Art Gallery
“Some will see this picture as a beautiful woman. Others will see a pop of color and a flash of style. But I see a daughter—a daughter of the Most High King.”
‘Wings Fly’
“When the enemy puts us on the high cliffs, like Jesus in the wilderness, what the enemy doesn’t want us to see is that it is impossible to fall. Why? Because we have wings. Christ is our promise. God is our guard and the Holy Spirit, our Wings.”
‘Solid Rock’
“This picture is a reminder to all of us that we live in a fallen world. The waves of evil try to hold us back and drag us into the deep with their mighty forces. The wind and the rain try to blow us away and make us cold and dead. This world is full of suffering. But, there is a rock. In the middle of this ocean, where the winds blow and the rain pours and the waves cave in, stands the Rock.”
‘Sound of Singing’
“A pleasant note is heard, carried on the wind. It dims and fades, as it floats on seas of gusts. But, if one has ears to hear, they can be taken on a journey to the source of the sound. Across fields and over hills, into meadows beyond this world… the trail of a melody. In the wilderness, lost, but not alone with the sound of singing.“
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made. In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”
— John 1:1-5
“Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
— Matthew 11: 28-29
‘Armor Up’
“He let a smirk slide across his face and tipped his hat. As he turned to walk away, he flipped through the pages of his new leather bound book. Letting his sneakers stomp over small weeds and dry dirt, he began reading every page to find the words ‘Armor Up’.”
“He always loved coming to this spot where the river reflected a living city of color and light. It was the one place where he didn’t have to think, as his eyes took over his mind. Some would say it was beautiful; others would call it just a ‘site’, but it was what he saw that others didn’t that held him there. It was the dream inside his heart that would never change—to create something great.”
“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.”
— Matthew 10:34
‘Marilyn May’
“She smiles with delight at others who learn to shine bright and laughs in joy of what the future holds. She has no fear of the past, nor dread of what’s to come, for the Lord provided a way of escape each time the pain would come. It’s how she learned to steer, how she kept balance, and how she came to know that by His side is where she belonged.”
‘Fear Falls Away’
“It started with a breath, poured into the blue eyes of a child once formless. Grabbing onto the breath that had been given to him, he wished to stay aboard its path. Close to his Father, breathing new life, and being carried by the breath that he now breathed, was the wind that pushed his current.”
‘Keys to My Heart’
“Lord, oh Lord,
Where do I start?
I have given you the keys to my heart
The joy within me
Swells with hope, for I know that I will
See Your throne
My life, oh Lord, I have set aside for You alone
Have Your way with me
Oh Lord of hosts
Create within me a spirit of hope”
“What is your Beloved more than another beloved, O most beautiful among women?
What is your Beloved, more than another beloved, that you thus adjure us?”
~ Song 5:9